104 Washington St, Fairview, WV 26570 minister@washingtonstreetcoc.org 304.449.1452

Master the Tempest is Raging

In Matthew 8:23-27 the disciples of Christ find themselves in a fearful situation. Recently, some of the disciples tried to zealously declare that they would follow Christ. Their faith was now being tested. Christ and his followers were on a boat that was being tossed about by a massive tempest. The disciples feared for their lives; however, Christ was sound asleep. The disciples rush to wake Him up frantically asking if He can do anything. Christ then rebukes them for having little faith before calming the sea.

It seems that the world has become faced with a tempest and many followers of Christ are in a panic. What should people do now that they are unable to find work? What if somebody gets ill? How long will this quarantine last?

It can be seen that many variables in life are causing great uncertainty. What is the Christian to do during moments of fear? The answer is having faith. Faith in God is comforting (2 Cor. 1:3-4), faith in God is powerful (Matt. 17:20), and faith in God is desirable (Heb. 11:6).

Now that the power of faith has been discussed, it is time to discuss the importance of faith. Faith in Christ is the foundation of the Christian religion (Eph. 2:19-22). A building cannot stand without its foundation. Every Jewish structure started with the cornerstone. Therefore, trusting in Christ over everything else necessary.

Faith also involves servitude (Rom. 10:17). Christian faith means following God’s commandments (1 Jn. 2:3-4). When one becomes baptized, they enter a lifetime of serving God. No longer bound by the chains of sin, one becomes a servant of righteousness while faithfully being dedicated to Him.

Faith in God means knowing that nothing on earth can hinder a Christian’s soul. Satan will try to use every means to make a follower stumble (1 Pet. 5:8). He uses fear, enticement, pain, and various other objects to try to lead one away from God. During this time of fear and concern Christians must not let that happen.

In conclusion, Christians can allow themselves to find comfort in God. Christians should also work to comfort others. During this time of crisis, Christians should not neglect God. If one is unable to make it to service, there are many means to tune in and serve via virtually. Christians can show their faith by calling elderly members and checking in on them. Allow this time to bring each other closer rather than distant. Never neglect to serve God.

By: Kevin Maul