104 Washington St, Fairview, WV 26570 minister@washingtonstreetcoc.org 304.449.1452

Soul Custody

It is interesting how such simple phrases can have a huge impact. A certain church had a sign out front that said, “God wants soul custody not weekend visits.”. Though the message is very simple it rings loud and clear. When parents end up getting divorced they go through a court system to battle over who gets custody of the child. This process can at times turn ugly. Unfortunately, when the endeavor is finished one parent will gain custody of the child while the other one might get times where the child can visit. This can become painful to one parent as the other parent might try to talk down their ex in front of their kids or convince them that the other parent is a horrible person. This can cause a negative influence on the child and how they would view the parent that they hardly ever visit.

It seems that the world has won custody over mankind’s hearts. People no longer want to walk in God’s path but would rather love the world more than God. The world will try to convince people not to follow God. People have been led to believe that God is harsh, uncaring, evil, and a tyrant who wants to condemn everyone. One thing to note is that the world will hate Jesus (Jn. 7:7) because He testifies against it. Jesus shines like a light when the world wants to dampen and darken him. Christians are also able to shine like lights (Matt. 5:14) when they follow Christ.

The world does not want Christians to follow God because the world and those of the world suddenly seem not as great. All the forces of evil and the forces of the world will try to separate mankind from God. One thing about certain divorced parents is that they might try to keep the kid from the other parent with every force imaginable. Some parents make up lies that the other doesn’t want to see them just to not let the kid leave. The child then grows up hating the other parent because they believed a lie their whole life. The world will lie to Christians. It will throw distractions in front of Christians to steal their hearts. Christians must remember to give their hearts to God (Deut. 6:4-5) and worship Him above all else. Christians must be willing to allow God to have reign over their lives and be in control.

By: Kevin Maul