104 Washington St, Fairview, WV 26570 minister@washingtonstreetcoc.org 304.449.1452

A Little Leaven Levens the Whole Lump

It is amazing how little actions tend to influence a person. People can live their whole lives not knowing that a tiny event of theirs affected someone. Children often look up to older people as role models. Normally the college students at a congregation are told to be excellent Christian examples so that they influence the children properly. Positive attitudes can influence people. One person’s smile can brighten another person’s whole day. Another person’s insult can ruin a person’s week.

In the book of Galatians. Paul uses the illustration of leaven (5:9). This was an early Greek proverb about how a tiny bit of leaven raised the whole lump. In that context, he was discussing how letting in even a tiny bit of Jewish doctrine could affect the whole Christian body in a negative way. Paul described sinful living as leaven ruining a lump as well in his letter to Corinth (1 Cor. 5:6).

Christians need to be vigilant in their studies and learning. Unfortunately, it is easy for someone to twist the scriptures to their advantage. Many times Christians get caught in a snare by false teachers. The unfortunate thing about mankind is that it is easy for people to become deceived. Those who excel at deceiving can cause much chaos and turmoil. Many people are deceived online into giving away private bank information. Something looks too promising and someone falls for the snare.

When Israel was plagued with Moabite harlots in Numbers 25. It caused many people to begin sinning against God. When this happened, He rained His wrath down upon them. It was only because of the sin of a small percentage of people that such chaos happened. It does not take a lot of people to make drastic changes. Perhaps someone comes into the church and starts questioning things. Christians should be well versed in the scriptures to combat such people.

When a person is bitten by a venomous snake, they must take action immediately. The reason for this is that venom will travel through their bloodstream if not maintained. When the venom spreads through the bloodstream it can infect the whole body quickly. When sin infects the Church it can spread quickly. People might notice that no action is being taken by the elders against a sinner. Those people then might decide to excuse their own sins.

Christians must be willing to bring the influence of Christ out into the world; however, they must not let the sinful leavening influence of the world into their lives. A tiny bit of heroin causes a person to be addicted for life. A tiny bit of unhealthy eating turns into a lifetime of weight problems. A small bit of leaven leavens the whole lump. Christians must remember to pure (1 Cor. 6:11). Christians must remember to be godly and holy.

Christians must also remain united against every evil fore. Satan walks about like a roaring lion (1 Pet. 5:8). Sin is always trying to seep through every crack. Christians must stand vigilant now more than ever. The world is trying everything in its power to corrupt Christians. Christians must be brave and strong. Christians must rely on God now more than ever. One must never let their guard down. When they let their guard down, sin will consume them. Sin can also consume others. As a Christian, always remember to be steadfast in every way (1 Cor. 15:58).

By: Kevin Maul