104 Washington St, Fairview, WV 26570 minister@washingtonstreetcoc.org 304.449.1452

Spiritual Survival Kits

During times of crisis, it can be hard to keep our sanity. I know that I enjoy watching survival shows on TV where the host is pitted against different trying circumstances in the wilderness and has to overcome them with just his knowledge and a few carefully chosen supplies. The host would always mention that having a positive mental attitude and good spirits during a survival event is crucial. I think that we need to keep our spiritual attitude high during this time, and having the right tools to rely on can help us do that. 


During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been faced, as a nation and as a world, with an unprecedented situation requiring extreme mental strength and tenacity. But I wonder if we have been prepared for the spiritual battle that we face during this trying time. It helps to be prepared for an emergency, and a survival kit is essential to help you survive an unexpected crisis. All survival kits need to contain five things: a fire starter, shelter, a multi-tool (or sturdy knife), water purification tablets, and emergency food. These items help you have the essential things that you need during an emergency. In the same way, there are things that you need spiritually to survive a crisis, and these items have spiritual parallels for us to use to help us during these times. 


Essential Items for Any Survival Kit


Fire Starter –  Matches or a good magnesium stick and flint bar are a great item to keep in any survival kit. In our spiritual survival kits, the fire starter is singing. Singing can provide the spark that we need to get our spiritual hearts to start burning for the Lord. Colossians 3:16 tells us to teach and admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Singing lifts our spirits naturally, and sometimes we need the spark to our moods that singing songs to the Lord can provide. As James says in James 5:13, “Is anyone joyful? Let him sing songs.” 


Shelter – All survival kits need a form of shelter, whether it be a small tent or even just a tarp to help construct a shelter. We need protection from the elements to keep us safe and warm. Prayer is what we need in our spiritual survival kit to give us shelter from the storms of life. Prayer puts us in the very presence of God and helps us to see things from His perspective. When we pray, we put things in His hands, including ourselves, and trust that He will protect us. In Psalm 31:2 David says “Bow down Your ear to me, deliver me speedily; Be my rock of refuge, a fortress of defense to save me.” 


Multi-tool – A good multi-tool comes in handy in any survival situation because it is so versatile. In our spiritual survival kits, our multitool is the Bible. As the word of God, it always has the answers that we are looking for if we will only avail ourselves of it. If we need a blade to scrape away the crusts of a callous heart, it is there. If we need to cut the wire on a snare that Satan has laid for us, it is there. If we need to get a grip on the reality of a situation in our lives that needs confronting, it is there. The Bible is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12). It will always be there to help us if we will take the time to seek it during emergencies in our lives. 


Water Purification Tablets – A human can only survive about three days without water, so having a fresh, clean supply is crucial to the success of any survivalist. In our spiritual survival kits, the water purification tablets are the scriptures that we have memorized to help us during times of temptation. A full bottle of purification tablets can provide many gallons of freshwater. In like manner, a mind full of different scriptures will stay fresh and healthy. James 4:8 admonishes us to “purify your hearts you double-minded.” We must purify our hearts and minds with the word of God to avoid spiritual contamination with sin. Whatever sins we struggle with the most need to have a ready counterpart in the word of God to help us win the battle and neutralize the threat every time. 


Emergency Food – Last on our list of items in our survival kits is emergency food. Some people debate whether it is really that important to have food in a survival kit since humans can go so long without it (up to 3 months). But it is recommended to have at least a 72 hour supply of it to help power you through the action-phase of a crisis when your body is being taxed to the limit in a survival situation. I believe it is important to have food in our spiritual survival kits because without spiritual nourishment our souls waste away and become weak. Our spiritual emergency food is kind deeds for others. At a time in Jesus’ life when he was weary, He said: “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to finish His work.” (John:4:24) We must do kind deeds for others during this crisis and “let us not be weary in well-doing” (Gal. 6:9)


It is my hope and prayer that you are staying spiritually safe most of all during this time. May the items in your spiritual survival kits keep you energized and comforted to be able to weather the storms that life may throw at you, now and always. 


By: Kenny Barcroft

A Little Leaven Levens the Whole Lump

It is amazing how little actions tend to influence a person. People can live their whole lives not knowing that a tiny event of theirs affected someone. Children often look up to older people as role models. Normally the college students at a congregation are told to be excellent Christian examples so that they influence the children properly. Positive attitudes can influence people. One person’s smile can brighten another person’s whole day. Another person’s insult can ruin a person’s week.

In the book of Galatians. Paul uses the illustration of leaven (5:9). This was an early Greek proverb about how a tiny bit of leaven raised the whole lump. In that context, he was discussing how letting in even a tiny bit of Jewish doctrine could affect the whole Christian body in a negative way. Paul described sinful living as leaven ruining a lump as well in his letter to Corinth (1 Cor. 5:6).

Christians need to be vigilant in their studies and learning. Unfortunately, it is easy for someone to twist the scriptures to their advantage. Many times Christians get caught in a snare by false teachers. The unfortunate thing about mankind is that it is easy for people to become deceived. Those who excel at deceiving can cause much chaos and turmoil. Many people are deceived online into giving away private bank information. Something looks too promising and someone falls for the snare.

When Israel was plagued with Moabite harlots in Numbers 25. It caused many people to begin sinning against God. When this happened, He rained His wrath down upon them. It was only because of the sin of a small percentage of people that such chaos happened. It does not take a lot of people to make drastic changes. Perhaps someone comes into the church and starts questioning things. Christians should be well versed in the scriptures to combat such people.

When a person is bitten by a venomous snake, they must take action immediately. The reason for this is that venom will travel through their bloodstream if not maintained. When the venom spreads through the bloodstream it can infect the whole body quickly. When sin infects the Church it can spread quickly. People might notice that no action is being taken by the elders against a sinner. Those people then might decide to excuse their own sins.

Christians must be willing to bring the influence of Christ out into the world; however, they must not let the sinful leavening influence of the world into their lives. A tiny bit of heroin causes a person to be addicted for life. A tiny bit of unhealthy eating turns into a lifetime of weight problems. A small bit of leaven leavens the whole lump. Christians must remember to pure (1 Cor. 6:11). Christians must remember to be godly and holy.

Christians must also remain united against every evil fore. Satan walks about like a roaring lion (1 Pet. 5:8). Sin is always trying to seep through every crack. Christians must stand vigilant now more than ever. The world is trying everything in its power to corrupt Christians. Christians must be brave and strong. Christians must rely on God now more than ever. One must never let their guard down. When they let their guard down, sin will consume them. Sin can also consume others. As a Christian, always remember to be steadfast in every way (1 Cor. 15:58).

By: Kevin Maul


In Matthew 16:24, Jesus tells His disciples that to come after Him they must take up their cross and follow Him. This has resulted in people wearing cross necklaces, earrings, etc. There was even a person who took a giant cardboard cross and put it on wheels. The person then went to carry a cross around with them everywhere they went. While that would be great for gaining attention, doing such an action misses the point.

In Galatians 2:20, Paul discusses being crucified with Christ. When one was to take their cross, it meant that they were going to follow Christ. Thus, one’s old self was to die. One must be buried to become a Christian (Rom. 6:4). One is buried by entering the waters of baptism. After that occurs, the person is then born as a new creature.

For one to be buried, it involves death. People do not hold a funeral service for a living being. An alive person is normally not buried in the ground six feet under. During times of the black plague, many people were actually buried alive. It was a horrifying event. For such a reason, bells were put on top of graves so that if a person was buried alive they could ring the bell and be dug back up. That is where the phrase saved by the bell came from.

The person’s old body must die when they are baptized. If one keeps an old part of them alive and won’t let go of it, they are not truly baptized. Peter commanded the Jews to repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38). A person must be willing to repent of their sins. One’s old sins must die when they enter the saving waters of baptism.

It is no longer the old person who lives. Christ now lives in everyone who has received him in baptism. Christians are able to put on Christ (Gal. 3:27). It is amazing how great the blessing is that Christians are able to receive. Christians did nothing to deserve Christ dying for their sins. It was only because of God’s great love for mankind that He would send His own son down to die for all of humanity. Christians should return that love by trying to follow all of God’s commandments.

One should not try to give away such the great gift of salvation by returning to sin. After Christmas, traffic becomes horrible as many people are scrambling to return or trade in gifts that they received. It is always horrible when someone tries to get a refund on a gift just because they did not truly appreciate it; however, many do that by returning to sin. People then deem sin to be more appealing than the gift of salvation. One then is not living a life after Christ and no longer carrying their cross for Him.

Christians must always live the life of faithful obedience to God. God has gone above and beyond in giving blessings and gifts to mankind. Mankind must be willing to show love and devotion to Him. If one does not live a faithful life to God then they practice iniquity and will not inherit eternal life (Matt. 7:23). One must remember this as they go throughout the new year. A year has just rolled around and now everyone gets an opportunity to make resolutions to improve themselves. What better way to improve oneself than to dedicate their life to following Christ?

By: Kevin Maul